Dr. Yousaf has been in practice in Houston area for 6 years and has recently started her own practice. She evaluates and treats all types of Rheumatic diseases and is proficient in the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound – the latest tool used to aid in joint injections. She performs steroid and gel injections in the knees. All procedures are done in office.
Some of the diseases she treats include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sjogrens, psoriatic arthritis, Inflammatory bowel disease related arthritis, reactive arthritis, spondyloarthritis, inflammatory back pain, uveitis, osteoarthritis, gout, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, mixed connective tissue disorder, interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis etc. She deals with a vast variety of musculoskeletal issues. Her office has an on site infusion facility as well.
Dr Yousaf is experienced in reading DEXA Scans and managing osteoporosis/ osteopenia.
Dr Yousaf’s mission is to provide long term comprehensive care to patients with rheumatological diseases. She understands the need for physician being a partner in sharing the road to management of chronic illnesses.