At ColoWell America, we pride ourselves in using latest non-surgical techniques and medical innovations as well as providing a holistic and comprehensive healing plan for our patients. Everyone has heard tales of prolonged suffering and pain associated with traditional methods. Our promise and commitment is to provide the least invasive treatment in a relaxed setting, and allow our patients to heal with a combination of medicine, HempWorx CBD food supplements, healthy diet and exercise regimen. We are a paperless office.
My medical and surgical career began oversees, where I received multiple academic gold medals and awards. I spent another five years in surgical residency as well as two fellowships, including Critical Care Surgery and Colon and Rectal Surgery in New York and Ohio.
At ColoWell America, we have a team of dedicated trained and supervised medical professionals that give the patient the best experience we can. From the first phone call to the moment our patients leave our clinics, we are committed to principles of clinical excellence and patient satisfaction.