Dr. Eye has been practicing medicine since 1972 and is certified in multiple specialties. His experience treating tens of thousands of patients proved eye-opening as to what happens when patients aren’t proactive with their health and are only given conventional, reactive medicine options. His current practice, Cenegenics® Elite Health, provides proactive and preventative solutions by offering a unique, comprehensive program to help people live a healthier life to the highest level possible. It’s that 180-degree shift from traditional medicine’s disease-focused mindset to a health-centered approach to reduce age – and lifestyle-related diseases that makes patient outcomes so successful.
Dr. Eye has written several published articles on healthy aging practices and is regularly invited to conferences to lecture on the topic. In 2004, he established a health and wellness practice – and during this time, trained and became AMA certified in Age-Management Medicine, adding the specialty to his established practice in 2005. He is an institute physician at Cenegenics’ corporate headquarters and is the CEO and CMO of Cenegenics® Jacksonville and a partner at Cenegenics Atlanta. . *Dr. Eye DOES NOT accept insurances for subsequent care.